Today I thought I would talk about something a bit more personal and not to do with fashion, beauty etc but more about my lifestyle and what a normal weekday consists of. Let me warn you it's pretty hectic but I wouldn't have it any other way, I'm a person who is always on the go and I like always being busy, yeah it's nice to relax once in a while but that's what Sundays are for right?
My morning commences at 5:30am where I get ready to head to my local gym for a morning functional training class or spin session. After a tiring and sweaty 45 minutes or longer depending what workout routine I'm doing I rush home roughly around 7:00am. When I get home it's all manic as I have to be ready by 7:30am! I make myself a hot water with lemon and then jump into the shower, once showered I then rush to get ready for work ensuring that I ironed and got all my stuff ready the night before. If I have time I will make myself a plain omelette with avocado for breakfast, if I don't I will usually quickly make a nutri-bullet juice. After a rushed breakfast I head out the door to make my 7:50am train. I arrive into town for about 8:10 so I have enough time to grab a green tea and sit down for a break. After catching my breath I head into the office, 3 and a half hours later it's lunch! My stomach by this point is rumbling for food so I head into town for either sushi, noodles or I will eat a home made salad. On my way back to the office I browse around the stores to see if anything tickles my fancy, which it always does! Back to work I then power through the next couple of hours. 5:00PM strikes and it's home time, packing up my desk I head to the station and jump on the next train home. I arrive home around 5:45pm, take a candle lit relaxing bath and then have dinner, if I'm not feeling too tired I will force myself for an evening run to clear my mind and feel refreshed. After a tiring day I aim to be in bed around 9:00pm so I can read for a bit then fall asleep. Next day, same thing.

Saturdays are usually a bit of a later start as I don't go to the gym in the morning instead I'm volunteering at a local charity store for a couple of hours. After my contribution for some hours I head home to shower and change into comfortable loungewear usually consisting of yoga pants and oversized jumpers. The weekend is usually made for baking, so the sisters and I all get involved and bake a cake or muffins or some kind of dessert. Saturdays are also treat day so I can indulge on what we have baked! The rest of the day will either be spent doing something active or having fun. Then about 6pm I head to the gym for a evening workout just to make me feel somewhat active for the day. After the gym session I head home, shower, get changed and make dinner then relax with my family or friends.
Oh sundayssss, the best day of the week as it is pretty much a lazy, do nothing all day kind of day. The day starts when I'm woken by the delicious smell of indian breakfast which we have every sunday without fail, after a filling breakfast I then shower and make myself somewhat presentable and carry out any errands, these are either cleaning, blogging, ironing, picking up things, the usual. The rest evening will be spent eating the traditional sunday roast, pampering myself and getting things ready for another hectic week ahead.