Saturday, 2 January 2016

2016 Aims

There is something about January that I love. It is the start of a new year, therefore, an opportunity for a clean slate, or at least, the chance to start new good habits. 

This year I have set myself 10 things I hope to do more or less of:

1. Work smarter not harder
As a study enthusiast, I have noticed that I work very hard but I do not use my time wisely and lack sleep, energy and motivation when studying. This year I aim to resolve this bad habit by creating an organised schedule so I find a balance between studying and relaxing. I also intend to be well rested by going to bed  at 10:30 pm at the very latest.

2. Get fitter
I have stopped creating resolutions such as 'get abs' and 'tone my arms' as it does not motivate me in the slightest and I end up quitting within the first week. This year I have set the goal of working out more and get fitter rather than saying I will look like this by the end of the year. By doing this, I am not putting pressure on achieving a specific goal instead I am allowing myself to develop my fitness.

3. Budget money
Living in London is expensive and as a student, I need to learn to be frugal. I intend to do this by creating a budget spreadsheet in which I track all of my expenditure and do a food shop on designated days rather than grabbing food on the go.

4. No takeouts
Talking of food, 2016 means no takeouts! Last year, my sister and I got ourselves into a bad habit on constantly ordering food as it was convenient. Yes, it may have been quicker than making food but we were wasting so much money and resulted in us feeling bleh. In 2016, we are aiming to prep our food every Sunday to last us all week and then at the end of every month try out a new restaurant in London.

5. Stop romancing
I need to face the reality that everything happens for a reason and forcing/ dreaming about a 'perfect' life will not make it happen. To achieve anything you cannot just dream about it, you have to see what is realistic and go out and get it.   

6. Focus on goals
Where do I see myself in 10 years? That's a good question, but one I cannot answer. Life unfolds in mysterious ways and I can only focus on my current situation and make decisions based on today rather than the future. All I know is that my life goal is to be the best version of myself.

7. Stay calm
From an outsiders point of view, I seem calm and collective, from an insiders point, I am the complete opposite. I am a stress head and worrier when it comes to studying and tasks I feel unconfident about. I do not know when my anxiety and panic became more apparent but it can sometimes take over my thoughts and actions. I have done everything from reading self-help books to watching videos to overcome this emotion but I have realised it is not something I can get rid of, it is something I have to control and accept. I have therefore decided to start practicing yoga every morning (Yoga Camp with Adrien is a great place to start) and meditate every evening to calm my nerves and stress levels. I have also started to write a journal about the things I am grateful for, daily affirmations and things I could have improved each day. These new techniques allow me to think and appreciate the good in bad situations, take a break from my day and be grateful for the little things.

8. Drink more water
Water is the key to feeling revitalised, keeping the skin looking clear and hydrated and energising the body. This year, I aim to drink 2-3 litres of water a day in order to benefit from all the nutrients as well as to generally feel good about myself.

9. Read more
Whether that be on the tube, during my lunch or just before bed, I want to spend time reading more books rather than being constantly on technological devices. This year, I am particularly excited to read Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit and Lazaretto by Diane McKinney-Whetstone.

10. Be Spontaneous
Go wild! I am young and free.

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Kiri x